

早在今年三月份,連專員盈焜大哥就一直催促我建立屬於后里鄉團委會的部落格...只是一直忙著其它的事情,而一直擔擱著。其實在這的中間的二個月,YAHOO、YAM、Im.TV、streetvoice都嘗試著建立只是略有優缺點。今天確定落腳Google是因為它的世界觀吧!我希望到全世界都可以搜尋的到 cychouli搜尋的到 救國團臺中縣后里鄉團務委員會
總幹事 陳坤隆

Belonged to our tribe standard to be open for business as early as in March, Special Commissioner Lian full kuen eldest brother has urged that I established belong to the Houli Town committee meeting's tribe standard… Only has been being busy at other matters, but has been stopping over. Actually in this middle two months, YAHOO, YAM, Im.TV, streetvoice attempts is establishing only slightly has the good and bad points. Today determined stops over Google is because of its world outlook! I hoped the world may search for to saves the nation the group Taizhong County Houli Town group service committee to the cychouli search

General manager chen kuen lung
